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RingBufferPlus API:HostingExtensions

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Namespace: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Represents the commands to add RingBufferPlus in ServiceCollection and Warmup.

public static class HostingExtensions

Inheritance ObjectHostingExtensions


AddRingBuffer<T>(IServiceCollection, String, Func<IRingBuffer<T>, IServiceProvider, IRingBufferService<T>>)

Add RingBuffer in ServiceCollection.

public static IServiceCollection AddRingBuffer<T>(IServiceCollection ServiceCollection, string buffername, Func<IRingBuffer<T>, IServiceProvider, IRingBufferService<T>> userfunc)

Type Parameters

Type of buffer.


ServiceCollection IServiceCollection
The .

buffername String
The unique name to RingBuffer.

userfunc Func<IRingBuffer<T>, IServiceProvider, IRingBufferService<T>>
The Handler to return the IRingBufferService<T>.



WarmupRingBuffer<T>(IHost, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Warmup RingBuffer with full capacity ready or reaching timeout .
If you do not use the ‘Warmup Ring Buffer’ command, the first access to acquire the buffer will be Warmup (not recommended)

public static bool WarmupRingBuffer<T>(IHost appbluild, string buffername, Nullable<TimeSpan> timeout)

Type Parameters

Type of buffer.


appbluild IHost
The .

buffername String
The unique name to RingBuffer.

timeout Nullable<TimeSpan>
The timeout for full capacity ready. Default value is 30 seconds.


True if full capacity ready, otherwise false (Timeout but keeps running).

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