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RingBufferPlus a generic circular buffer (ring buffer) in C# with auto-scaler.

RingBufferPlus was developed in C# with the netstandard2.1, .NET 6 , .NET 7 and .NET 8 target frameworks.

Table of Contents

What’s new in the latest version




Basic concept


A ring buffer is a memory allocation scheme where memory is reused (reclaimed) when an index, incremented modulo the buffer size, writes over a previously used location.

A ring buffer makes a bounded queue when separate indices are used for inserting and removing data. The queue can be safely shared between threads (or processors) without further synchronization so long as one processor enqueues data and the other dequeues it. (Also, modifications to the read/write pointers must be atomic, and this is a non-blocking queue–an error is returned when trying to write to a full queue or read from an empty queue).

Implemented concept


The implementation follows the basic principle. The principle was expanded to have a scale capacity that may or may not be modified to optimize the consumption of the resources used.

Key Features




Install-Package RingBufferPlus [-pre]
dotnet add package RingBufferPlus [--prerelease]

Note: [-pre]/[–prerelease] usage for pre-release versions



See folder Samples.

dotnet run --project [name of sample]

Generic Usage


The RingBufferPlus use fluent interface; an object-oriented API whose design relies extensively on method chaining. Its goal is to increase code legibility. The term was coined in 2005 by Eric Evans and Martin Fowler.

Sample-Console Usage (Minimal features with auto-scale)

Random rnd = new();
var rb = RingBuffer<int>.New("MyBuffer", cts.Token)
    .Factory((cts) => { return rnd.Next(1, 10); })
    .BuildWarmup(out var completed);
using (var buffer = rb.Accquire(cts.Token))
    if (bufferedItem.Successful)
            //do something    

Sample-api/web Usage (Minimal features without auto-scale)


builder.Services.AddRingBuffer<int>("Mybuffer",(ringbuf, _) =>
    return ringbuf
        .Factory((cts) => { return 10; })

//If you do not use the 'Warmup Ring Buffer' command, the first access to acquire the buffer will be Warmup (not recommended)
public class MyController(IRingBufferService<int> ringBufferService) : ControllerBase
    private readonly IRingBufferService<int> _ringBufferService = ringBufferService;

    public ActionResult Get(CancellationToken token)
        using (var buffer = _ringBufferService.Accquire(token))
            if (bufferedItem.Successful)
                    //do something    

Sample-api/web Usage (Minimal features with manual scale)


builder.Services.AddRingBuffer<int>("Mybuffer",(ringbuf, _) =>
    return ringbuf
        .Factory((cts) => { return 10; })

//If you do not use the 'Warmup Ring Buffer' command, the first access to acquire the buffer will be Warmup (not recommended)
public class MyController(IRingBufferService<int> ringBufferService) : ControllerBase
    private readonly IRingBufferService<int> _ringBufferService = ringBufferService;

    public ActionResult Get(CancellationToken token)
        using (var buffer = _ringBufferService.Accquire(token))
            if (bufferedItem.Successful)
                    //do something    

    public ActionResult ChangeCapacity(ScaleSwith scaleUnit)
        return Ok();

RabbitMQ Usage


The RingBufferPlus use fluent interface; an object-oriented API whose design relies extensively on method chaining. Its goal is to increase code legibility. The term was coined in 2005 by Eric Evans and Martin Fowler.

RabbitMQ has **AutomaticRecovery** functionality. This feature must be **DISABLED** with RingBufferPlus.

If the AutomaticRecovery functionality is activated, “ghost” buffers may occur (without RingBufferPlus control)

Sample-Console Master-Slave feature using RabbitMq (basic usage)

For more details see Complete-Samples.

ConnectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory()
    AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = false
connectionRingBuffer = RingBuffer<IConnection>.New("RabbitCnn")
    .OnError((log, error) =>
            log?.LogError("{error}", error);
    .Factory((cts) => ConnectionFactory.CreateConnection())
        .ReportScale((metric, log, cts) =>
                log?.LogInformation($"RabbitCnn Report: [{metric.MetricDate}]  Trigger {metric.Trigger} from {metric.FromCapacity} to {metric.ToCapacity}");
    .BuildWarmup(out completedCnn);

modelRingBuffer = RingBuffer<IModel>.New("RabbitChanels")
    .OnError((log, error) =>
            log?.LogError("{error}", error);
    .Factory((cts) => ModelFactory(cts))
    .BufferHealth((buffer) => buffer.IsOpen)
        .ReportScale((metric, log, cts) =>
                log?.LogInformation($"RabbitChanels Report: [{metric.MetricDate}]  Trigger {metric.Trigger} from {metric.FromCapacity} to {metric.ToCapacity}");
    .BuildWarmup(out completedChanels);



The BenchmarkDotNet test (5 x 1000 publish) was done on the local machine, with ‘RabbitMQ’ (over wsl). The measures are about publisher action (Scenario where Ringbuffer makes sense and brings significant performance gains).

The gain can be much greater for real machines in production!

See folder Samples/RingBufferPlusBenchmarkSample.

Notes for WithRingBufferScaler

- Default(02 connections and 10 channel) to Maximum(10 connections and 50 channel)

Notes for WithRingBuffer

- No Scale : Default = 10 connections and 50 channel


BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.10, Windows 10 (10.0.19044.3693/21H2/November2021Update)
Intel Core i7-8565U CPU 1.80GHz (Whiskey Lake), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.100
  [Host]     : .NET 8.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  Job-IMTEVT : .NET 8.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  Dry        : .NET 8.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
+--------------------- +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+--------+------|
| Method               | Mean        | StdErr    | StdDev      | Min         | Q1          | Median      | Q3          | Max         | Op/s   | Rank |
|--------------------- |-------------|-----------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|--------|------|
| WithRingBuffer       |    422.8 ms |  51.41 ms |    89.05 ms |    323.6 ms |    386.4 ms |    449.1 ms |    472.5 ms |    495.8 ms | 2.3649 |    1 |
| WithRingBufferScaler |    537.9 ms |  81.06 ms |   140.40 ms |    392.1 ms |    470.8 ms |    549.5 ms |    610.8 ms |    672.2 ms | 1.8591 |    2 |
| WithoutRingBuffer    | 84,961.4 ms | 752.59 ms | 1,303.52 ms | 84,198.0 ms | 84,208.8 ms | 84,219.6 ms | 85,343.1 ms | 86,466.5 ms | 0.0118 |    3 |
+--------------------- +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+--------+------|

Mean   : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
StdErr : Standard error of all measurements
StdDev : Standard deviation of all measurements
Min    : Minimum
Q1     : Quartile 1 (25th percentile)
Median : Value separating the higher half of all measurements (50th percentile)
Q3     : Quartile 3 (75th percentile)
Max    : Maximum
Op/s   : Operation per second
Rank   : Relative position of current benchmark mean among all benchmarks (Arabic style)
1 ms   : 1 Millisecond (0.001 sec)



This work was inspired by the project by Luis Carlos Farias. My thanks for your great work of bringing knowledge to the community!

API documentation generated by



Copyright 2022 @ Fernando Cerqueira

RingBufferPlus is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.