PromptPlus Colors
The color class has implicit conversion to ConsoleColor. There are conversion methods to facilitate compatibility with other common color representations:
- Html
- Converts string color Html format (#RRGGBB).
- Int32
- Converts a standard color number (0 ~ 255).
- Console Color
- Converts a System.Console.ConsoleColor
- Converts a RGB format (R,G,B)
- Name
- Converts a name standard color
PromptPlus.WriteLine("Test", new Style(Color.White, Color.Red, Overflow.None));
PromptPlus.WriteLine("Test", new Style(new Color(255, 255, 255), Color.Red, Overflow.None));
PromptPlus.WriteLine("Test", new Style(Color.FromConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.White), Color.Red, Overflow.None));
PromptPlus.WriteLine("Test", new Style(Color.FromInt32(255), Color.Red, Overflow.None));
PromptPlus.WriteLine("[RGB(255,0,0) ON WHITE]Test[YELLOW] COLOR [/] BACK COLOR [/] other text");
PromptPlus.WriteLine("[RGB(255,0,0):WHITE]Test[YELLOW] COLOR [/] BACK COLOR [/] other text");
PromptPlus.WriteLine("[RED:WHITE]Test[YELLOW] COLOR [/] BACK COLOR [/] other text");
Table of Contents
Standard Colors
Color | # | Name | RGB | HEX | ConsoleColor |
0 | black | RGB(0,0,0) | #00000 | Black | |
1 | maroon | RGB(128,0,0) | #80000 | DarkRed | |
2 | green | RGB(0,128,0) | #80000 | DarkGreen | |
3 | olive | RGB(128,128,0) | #808000 | DarkYellow | |
4 | navy | RGB(0,0,128) | #000080 | DarkBlue | |
5 | purple | RGB(128,0,128) | #800080 | DarkMagenta | |
6 | teal | RGB(0,128,128) | #008080 | DarkCyan | |
7 | silver | RGB(192,192,192) | #c0c0c0 | Gray | |
8 | grey | RGB(128,128,128) | #c0c0c0 | DarkGray | |
9 | red | RGB(255,0,0) | #ff0000 | Red | |
10 | lime | RGB(0,255,0) | #00ff00 | Green | |
11 | yellow | RGB(255,255,0) | #ffff00 | Yellow | |
12 | blue | RGB(0,0,255) | #0000ff | Blue | |
13 | fuchsia | RGB(255,0,255) | #ff00ff | Magenta | |
14 | aqua | RGB(0,255,255) | #00ffff | Cyan | |
15 | white | RGB(255,255,255) | #ffffff | White | |
16 | grey0 | RGB(0,0,0) | #000000 | - - - | |
17 | navyblue | RGB(0,0,95) | #00005f | - - - | |
18 | darkblue | RGB(0,0,135) | #000087 | - - - | |
19 | blue3 | RGB(0,0,175) | #0000af | - - - | |
20 | blue3_1 | RGB(0,0,215) | #0000d7 | - - - | |
21 | blue1 | RGB(0,0,255) | #0000ff | - - - | |
22 | darkgreen | RGB(0,95,0) | #005f00 | - - - | |
23 | deepskyblue4 | RGB(0,95,95) | #005f5f | - - - | |
24 | deepskyblue4_1 | RGB(0,95,135) | #005f87 | - - - | |
25 | deepskyblue4_2 | RGB(0,95,175) | #005faf | - - - | |
26 | dodgerblue3 | RGB(0,95,215) | #005fd7 | - - - | |
27 | dodgerblue2 | RGB(0,95,255) | #005fff | - - - | |
28 | green4 | RGB(0,135,0) | #008700 | - - - | |
29 | springgreen4 | RGB(0,135,95) | #00875f | - - - | |
30 | turquoise4 | RGB(0,135,135) | #008787 | - - - | |
31 | deepskyblue3 | RGB(0,135,175) | #0087af | - - - | |
32 | deepskyblue3_1 | RGB(0,135,215) | #0087d7 | - - - | |
33 | dodgerblue1 | RGB(0,135,255) | #0087ff | - - - | |
34 | green3 | RGB(0,175,0) | #00af00 | - - - | |
35 | springgreen3 | RGB(0,175,95) | #00af5f | - - - | |
36 | darkcyan | RGB(0,175,135) | #00af87 | - - - | |
37 | lightseagreen | RGB(0,175,175) | #00afaf | - - - | |
38 | deepskyblue2 | RGB(0,175,215) | #00afd7 | - - - | |
39 | deepskyblue1 | RGB(0,175,255) | #00afff | - - - | |
40 | green3_1 | RGB(0,215,0) | #00d700 | - - - | |
41 | springgreen3_1 | RGB(0,215,95) | #00d75f | - - - | |
42 | springgreen2 | RGB(0,215,135) | #00d787 | - - - | |
43 | cyan3 | RGB(0,215,175) | #00d7af | - - - | |
44 | darkturquoise | RGB(0,215,215) | #00d7d7 | - - - | |
45 | turquoise2 | RGB(0,215,255) | #00d7ff | - - - | |
46 | green1 | RGB(0,255,0) | #00ff00 | - - - | |
47 | springgreen2_1 | RGB(0,255,95) | #00ff5f | - - - | |
48 | springgreen1 | RGB(0,255,135) | #00ff87 | - - - | |
49 | mediumspringgreen | RGB(0,255,175) | #00ffaf | - - - | |
50 | cyan2 | RGB(0,255,215) | #00ffd7 | - - - | |
51 | cyan1 | RGB(0,255,255) | #00ffff | - - - | |
52 | darkred | RGB(95,0,0) | #5f0000 | - - - | |
53 | deeppink4 | RGB(95,0,95) | #5f005f | - - - | |
54 | purple4 | RGB(95,0,135) | #5f0087 | - - - | |
55 | purple4_1 | RGB(95,0,175) | #5f00af | - - - | |
56 | purple3 | RGB(95,0,215) | #5f00d7 | - - - | |
57 | blueviolet | RGB(95,0,255) | #5f00ff | - - - | |
58 | orange4 | RGB(95,95,0) | #5f5f00 | - - - | |
59 | grey37 | RGB(95,95,95) | #5f5f5f | - - - | |
60 | mediumpurple4 | RGB(95,95,135) | #5f5f87 | - - - | |
61 | slateblue3 | RGB(95,95,175) | #5f5faf | - - - | |
62 | slateblue3_1 | RGB(95,95,215) | #5f5fd7 | - - - | |
63 | royalblue1 | RGB(95,95,255) | #5f5fff | - - - | |
64 | chartreuse4 | RGB(95,135,0) | #5f8700 | - - - | |
65 | darkseagreen4 | RGB(95,135,95) | #5f875f | - - - | |
66 | paleturquoise4 | RGB(95,135,135) | #5f8787 | - - - | |
67 | steelblue | RGB(95,135,175) | #5f87af | - - - | |
68 | steelblue3 | RGB(95,135,215) | #5f87d7 | - - - | |
69 | cornflowerblue | RGB(95,135,255) | #5f87ff | - - - | |
70 | chartreuse3 | RGB(95,175,0) | #5faf00 | - - - | |
71 | darkseagreen4_1 | RGB(95,175,95) | #5faf5f | - - - | |
72 | cadetblue | RGB(95,175,135) | #5faf87 | - - - | |
73 | cadetblue_1 | RGB(95,175,175) | #5fafaf | - - - | |
74 | skyblue3 | RGB(95,175,215) | #5fafd7 | - - - | |
75 | steelblue1 | RGB(95,175,255) | #5fafff | - - - | |
76 | chartreuse3_1 | RGB(95,215,0) | #5fd700 | - - - | |
77 | palegreen3 | RGB(95,215,95) | #5fd75f | - - - | |
78 | seagreen3 | RGB(95,215,135) | #5fd787 | - - - | |
79 | aquamarine3 | RGB(95,215,175) | #5fd7af | - - - | |
80 | mediumturquoise | RGB(95,215,215) | #5fd7d7 | - - - | |
81 | steelblue1_1 | RGB(95,215,255) | #5fd7ff | - - - | |
82 | chartreuse2 | RGB(95,255,0) | #5fff00 | - - - | |
83 | seagreen2 | RGB(95,255,95) | #5fff5f | - - - | |
84 | seagreen1 | RGB(95,255,135) | #5fff87 | - - - | |
85 | seagreen1_1 | RGB(95,255,175) | #5fffaf | - - - | |
86 | aquamarine1 | RGB(95,255,215) | #5fffd7 | - - - | |
87 | darkslategray2 | RGB(95,255,255) | #5fffff | - - - | |
88 | darkred_1 | RGB(135,0,0) | #870000 | - - - | |
89 | deeppink4_1 | RGB(135,0,95) | #87005f | - - - | |
90 | darkmagenta | RGB(135,0,135) | #870087 | - - - | |
91 | darkmagenta_1 | RGB(135,0,175) | #8700af | - - - | |
92 | darkviolet | RGB(135,0,215) | #8700d7 | - - - | |
93 | purple_1 | RGB(135,0,255) | #8700ff | - - - | |
94 | orange4_1 | RGB(135,95,0) | #875f00 | - - - | |
95 | lightpink4 | RGB(135,95,95) | #875f5f | - - - | |
96 | plum4 | RGB(135,95,135) | #875f87 | - - - | |
97 | mediumpurple3 | RGB(135,95,175) | #875faf | - - - | |
98 | mediumpurple3_1 | RGB(135,95,215) | #875fd7 | - - - | |
99 | slateblue1 | RGB(135,95,255) | #875fff | - - - | |
100 | yellow4 | RGB(135,135,0) | #878700 | - - - | |
101 | wheat4 | RGB(135,135,95) | #87875f | - - - | |
102 | grey53 | RGB(135,135,135) | #878787 | - - - | |
103 | lightslategrey | RGB(135,135,175) | #8787af | - - - | |
104 | mediumpurple | RGB(135,135,215) | #8787d7 | - - - | |
105 | lightslateblue | RGB(135,135,255) | #8787ff | - - - | |
106 | yellow4_1 | RGB(135,175,0) | #87af00 | - - - | |
107 | darkolivegreen3 | RGB(135,175,95) | #87af5f | - - - | |
108 | darkseagreen | RGB(135,175,135) | #87af87 | - - - | |
109 | lightskyblue3 | RGB(135,175,175) | #87afaf | - - - | |
110 | lightskyblue3_1 | RGB(135,175,215) | #87afd7 | - - - | |
111 | skyblue2 | RGB(135,175,255) | #87afff | - - - | |
112 | chartreuse2_1 | RGB(135,215,0) | #87d700 | - - - | |
113 | darkolivegreen3_1 | RGB(135,215,95) | #87d75f | - - - | |
114 | palegreen3_1 | RGB(135,215,135) | #87d787 | - - - | |
115 | darkseagreen3 | RGB(135,215,175) | #87d7af | - - - | |
116 | darkslategray3 | RGB(135,215,215) | #87d7d7 | - - - | |
117 | skyblue1 | RGB(135,215,255) | #87d7ff | - - - | |
118 | chartreuse1 | RGB(135,255,0) | #87ff00 | - - - | |
119 | lightgreen | RGB(135,255,95) | #87ff5f | - - - | |
120 | lightgreen_1 | RGB(135,255,135) | #87ff87 | - - - | |
121 | palegreen1 | RGB(135,255,175) | #87ffaf | - - - | |
122 | aquamarine1_1 | RGB(135,255,215) | #87ffd7 | - - - | |
123 | darkslategray1 | RGB(135,255,255) | #87ffff | - - - | |
124 | red3 | RGB(175,0,0) | #af0000 | - - - | |
125 | deeppink4_2 | RGB(175,0,95) | #af005f | - - - | |
126 | mediumvioletred | RGB(175,0,135) | #af0087 | - - - | |
127 | magenta3 | RGB(175,0,175) | #af00af | - - - | |
128 | darkviolet_1 | RGB(175,0,215) | #af00d7 | - - - | |
129 | purple_2 | RGB(175,0,255) | #af00ff | - - - | |
130 | darkorange3 | RGB(175,95,0) | #af5f00 | - - - | |
131 | indianred | RGB(175,95,95) | #af5f5f | - - - | |
132 | hotpink3 | RGB(175,95,135) | #af5f87 | - - - | |
133 | mediumorchid3 | RGB(175,95,175) | #af5faf | - - - | |
134 | mediumorchid | RGB(175,95,215) | #af5fd7 | - - - | |
135 | mediumpurple2 | RGB(175,95,255) | #af5fff | - - - | |
136 | darkgoldenrod | RGB(175,135,0) | #af8700 | - - - | |
137 | lightsalmon3 | RGB(175,135,95) | #af875f | - - - | |
138 | rosybrown | RGB(175,135,135) | #af8787 | - - - | |
139 | grey63 | RGB(175,135,175) | #af87af | - - - | |
140 | mediumpurple2_1 | RGB(175,135,215) | #af87d7 | - - - | |
141 | mediumpurple1 | RGB(175,135,255) | #af87ff | - - - | |
142 | gold3 | RGB(175,175,0) | #afaf00 | - - - | |
143 | darkkhaki | RGB(175,175,95) | #afaf5f | - - - | |
144 | navajowhite3 | RGB(175,175,135) | #afaf87 | - - - | |
145 | grey69 | RGB(175,175,175) | #afafaf | - - - | |
146 | lightsteelblue3 | RGB(175,175,215) | #afafd7 | - - - | |
147 | lightsteelblue | RGB(175,175,255) | #afafff | - - - | |
148 | yellow3 | RGB(175,215,0) | #afd700 | - - - | |
149 | darkolivegreen3_2 | RGB(175,215,95) | #afd75f | - - - | |
150 | darkseagreen3_1 | RGB(175,215,135) | #afd787 | - - - | |
151 | darkseagreen2 | RGB(175,215,175) | #afd7af | - - - | |
152 | lightcyan3 | RGB(175,215,215) | #afd7d7 | - - - | |
153 | lightskyblue1 | RGB(175,215,255) | #afd7ff | - - - | |
154 | greenyellow | RGB(175,255,0) | #afff00 | - - - | |
155 | darkolivegreen2 | RGB(175,255,95) | #afff5f | - - - | |
156 | palegreen1_1 | RGB(175,255,135) | #afff87 | - - - | |
157 | darkseagreen2_1 | RGB(175,255,175) | #afffaf | - - - | |
158 | darkseagreen1 | RGB(175,255,215) | #afffd7 | - - - | |
159 | paleturquoise1 | RGB(175,255,255) | #afffff | - - - | |
160 | red3_1 | RGB(215,0,0) | #d70000 | - - - | |
161 | deeppink3 | RGB(215,0,95) | #d7005f | - - - | |
162 | deeppink3_1 | RGB(215,0,135) | #d70087 | - - - | |
163 | magenta3_1 | RGB(215,0,175) | #d700af | - - - | |
164 | magenta3_2 | RGB(215,0,215) | #d700d7 | - - - | |
165 | magenta2 | RGB(215,0,255) | #d700ff | - - - | |
166 | darkorange3_1 | RGB(215,95,0) | #d75f00 | - - - | |
167 | indianred_1 | RGB(215,95,95) | #d75f5f | - - - | |
168 | hotpink3_1 | RGB(215,95,135) | #d75f87 | - - - | |
169 | hotpink2 | RGB(215,95,175) | #d75faf | - - - | |
170 | orchid | RGB(215,95,215) | #d75fd7 | - - - | |
171 | mediumorchid1 | RGB(215,95,255) | #d75fff | - - - | |
172 | orange3 | RGB(215,135,0) | #d78700 | - - - | |
173 | lightsalmon3_1 | RGB(215,135,95) | #d7875f | - - - | |
174 | lightpink3 | RGB(215,135,135) | #d78787 | - - - | |
175 | pink3 | RGB(215,135,175) | #d787af | - - - | |
176 | plum3 | RGB(215,135,215) | #d787d7 | - - - | |
177 | violet | RGB(215,135,255) | #d787ff | - - - | |
178 | gold3_1 | RGB(215,175,0) | #d7af00 | - - - | |
179 | lightgoldenrod3 | RGB(215,175,95) | #d7af5f | - - - | |
180 | tan | RGB(215,175,135) | #d7af87 | - - - | |
181 | mistyrose3 | RGB(215,175,175) | #d7afaf | - - - | |
182 | thistle3 | RGB(215,175,215) | #d7afd7 | - - - | |
183 | plum2 | RGB(215,175,255) | #d7afff | - - - | |
184 | yellow3_1 | RGB(215,215,0) | #d7d700 | - - - | |
185 | khaki3 | RGB(215,215,95) | #d7d75f | - - - | |
186 | lightgoldenrod2 | RGB(215,215,135) | #d7d787 | - - - | |
187 | lightyellow3 | RGB(215,215,175) | #d7d7af | - - - | |
188 | grey84 | RGB(215,215,215) | #d7d7d7 | - - - | |
189 | lightsteelblue1 | RGB(215,215,255) | #d7d7ff | - - - | |
190 | yellow2 | RGB(215,255,0) | #d7ff00 | - - - | |
191 | darkolivegreen1 | RGB(215,255,95) | #d7ff5f | - - - | |
192 | darkolivegreen1_1 | RGB(215,255,135) | #d7ff87 | - - - | |
193 | darkseagreen1_1 | RGB(215,255,175) | #d7ffaf | - - - | |
194 | honeydew2 | RGB(215,255,215) | #d7ffd7 | - - - | |
195 | lightcyan1 | RGB(215,255,255) | #d7ffff | - - - | |
196 | red1 | RGB(255,0,0) | #ff0000 | - - - | |
197 | deeppink2 | RGB(255,0,95) | #ff005f | - - - | |
198 | deeppink1 | RGB(255,0,135) | #ff0087 | - - - | |
199 | deeppink1_1 | RGB(255,0,175) | #ff00af | - - - | |
200 | magenta2_1 | RGB(255,0,215) | #ff00d7 | - - - | |
201 | magenta1 | RGB(255,0,255) | #ff00ff | - - - | |
202 | orangered1 | RGB(255,95,0) | #ff5f00 | - - - | |
203 | indianred1 | RGB(255,95,95) | #ff5f5f | - - - | |
204 | indianred1_1 | RGB(255,95,135) | #ff5f87 | - - - | |
205 | hotpink | RGB(255,95,175) | #ff5faf | - - - | |
206 | hotpink_1 | RGB(255,95,215) | #ff5fd7 | - - - | |
207 | mediumorchid1_1 | RGB(255,95,255) | #ff5fff | - - - | |
208 | darkorange | RGB(255,135,0) | #ff8700 | - - - | |
209 | salmon1 | RGB(255,135,95) | #ff875f | - - - | |
210 | lightcoral | RGB(255,135,135) | #ff8787 | - - - | |
211 | palevioletred1 | RGB(255,135,175) | #ff87af | - - - | |
212 | orchid2 | RGB(255,135,215) | #ff87d7 | - - - | |
213 | orchid1 | RGB(255,135,255) | #ff87ff | - - - | |
214 | orange1 | RGB(255,175,0) | #ffaf00 | - - - | |
215 | sandybrown | RGB(255,175,95) | #ffaf5f | - - - | |
216 | lightsalmon1 | RGB(255,175,135) | #ffaf87 | - - - | |
217 | lightpink1 | RGB(255,175,175) | #ffafaf | - - - | |
218 | pink1 | RGB(255,175,215) | #ffafd7 | - - - | |
219 | plum1 | RGB(255,175,255) | #ffafff | - - - | |
220 | gold1 | RGB(255,215,0) | #ffd700 | - - - | |
221 | lightgoldenrod2_1 | RGB(255,215,95) | #ffd75f | - - - | |
222 | lightgoldenrod2_2 | RGB(255,215,135) | #ffd787 | - - - | |
223 | navajowhite1 | RGB(255,215,175) | #ffd7af | - - - | |
224 | mistyrose1 | RGB(255,215,215) | #ffd7d7 | - - - | |
225 | thistle1 | RGB(255,215,255) | #ffd7ff | - - - | |
226 | yellow1 | RGB(255,255,0) | #ffff00 | - - - | |
227 | lightgoldenrod1 | RGB(255,255,95) | #ffff5f | - - - | |
228 | khaki1 | RGB(255,255,135) | #ffff87 | - - - | |
229 | wheat1 | RGB(255,255,175) | #ffffaf | - - - | |
230 | cornsilk1 | RGB(255,255,215) | #ffffd7 | - - - | |
231 | grey100 | RGB(255,255,255) | #ffffff | - - - | |
232 | grey3 | RGB(8,8,8) | #080808 | - - - | |
233 | grey7 | RGB(18,18,18) | #121212 | - - - | |
234 | grey11 | RGB(28,28,28) | #1c1c1c | - - - | |
235 | grey15 | RGB(38,38,38) | #262626 | - - - | |
236 | grey19 | RGB(48,48,48) | #303030 | - - - | |
237 | grey23 | RGB(58,58,58) | #3a3a3a | - - - | |
238 | grey27 | RGB(68,68,68) | #444444 | - - - | |
239 | grey30 | RGB(78,78,78) | #4e4e4e | - - - | |
240 | grey35 | RGB(88,88,88) | #585858 | - - - | |
241 | grey39 | RGB(98,98,98) | #626262 | - - - | |
242 | grey42 | RGB(108,108,108) | #6c6c6c | - - - | |
243 | grey46 | RGB(118,118,118) | #767676 | - - - | |
244 | grey50 | RGB(128,128,128) | #808080 | - - - | |
245 | grey54 | RGB(138,138,138) | #8a8a8a | - - - | |
246 | grey58 | RGB(148,148,148) | #949494 | - - - | |
247 | grey62 | RGB(158,158,158) | #9e9e9e | - - - | |
248 | grey66 | RGB(168,168,168) | #a8a8a8 | - - - | |
249 | grey70 | RGB(178,178,178) | #b2b2b2 | - - - | |
250 | grey74 | RGB(188,188,188) | #bcbcbc | - - - | |
251 | grey78 | RGB(198,198,198) | #c6c6c6 | - - - | |
252 | grey82 | RGB(208,208,208) | #d0d0d0 | - - - | |
253 | grey85 | RGB(218,218,218) | #dadada | - - - | |
254 | grey89 | RGB(228,228,228) | #e4e4e4 | - - - | |
255 | grey93 | RGB(238,238,238) | #eeeeee | - - - |